Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 31: T+31

Sundays are a sleepy day. Eric revieves his IVIG midday and gets Benedryl as a premedication. Then it's off to sleepy land!

The concern of the day is Eric kidneys. There are two levels they monitor, the BUN and creatinine. The concern was with the rising BUN number as well as the extra fluid Eric has, mainly in his hands and feet. The BMT doctors weren't sure if it was something to be concerned with so they spoke with a kidney specialist.  The kidney specialist came and spoke with us and said the kidneys look normal (normal for all they are going through). He said the rising BUN isn't a concern because it is most likely caused by the ciclosporin (the anti rejection medicine). There was one last test he wanted to run to make sure, but he highly doubted it would turn out positive. 

The BMT doctors are helping us make the steps to go home. Dr. Peterson went over the list of medications Eric will go home on, and switched everything he could to oral (starting tomorrow). Eric's warming up to the possibility of going home. It's a scary step. 

Sundays are a quiet day ya the hospital. It was nice to have some quiet time as well as a good nap myself.  We are good little nappers!

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