Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 15: T+15


Finally Eric got a good night sleep! Halleljeuh! He now can face the day with some amount of energy. Last night Eric tried a new sleeping medicine that did the trick. Here's to two nights with a restful sleep. 

The day is the same as others. Breathing treatments, walking, spirometer, hanging out with Jamie and all the other fun things.  He received more red blood cells and platelets because his counts were low again (totally normal and to be expected).

A pretty view of the capital I get driving to the hospital everyday.  It's the second best view everyday. The first is Eric's smile! Keep smiling Eric, you are running a great race! 



  1. Glad Mr. Briggs got some sleep! Keep it up! Love you guys.

  2. Yay for good sleep. Keep getting better, Eric.

  3. Jamie, you are simply amazing! We had no idea that all of this was going on, I apolgize and know that you have a ward who is fully aware (well almost minus Paul and I) of you guys and prayers that are continual. This is how we found out, prayer, and then interest.
    I am grateful for your daily posts and love you have for Eric. :)
    Please keep the posts coming. We would love to be of help in any way possible. Please let me know what that is. :) All our love, thoughts, and prayers.
    Paul and Jene' Asay
