Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 11: T+11

Our days together at the hospital have been hard ones for Eric. He yearns so badly to feel better, less tired and whole again. There is nothing I want more for him than those very things! 

That being said, we can't change our challenges in life, only our reactions to them. We get to choose what our actions will be. Eric's always been an example of making the best out of the stinky things that come along in his life. It's one of the MANY reasons why he's loved by everyone in his life (all of you!). 

So here we are. Hanging out at the hospital everyday. I come in the morning and leave in the early evening most days. You would think I'ad get sick of it. Not true, it's quite the opposite. I L❤️VE my time up here with Eric.  It feels like we get a second go around with dating. I wake up in the morning so excited to get ready and head to the hospital to see Eric. Leaving at the end of the day is the hardest thing, even though I know I'll be back tomorrow. Life's just more fun with Eric in it. 

Our hours together are ones I love. Helping Eric out and spending time with him are the best. Among all the hard stuff we have a good time and often Eric's flashing his fabulous smile, laughing, singing, and making me laugh! Everyday I'm reminded of the many reasons I married him and why I love him so much. 

Here's to making the best out of what we have been given in life.

Eric's platelets were low again today, so he received more platelets to help them stay above the level they need them to be at. Other than that, it's another day being utterly exhausted but working hard anyway. I love you, Eric! Keep pushing through these hard days!



  1. Such a sweet post, you lovebirds are inspiring. Thank you and lots of love from Chris Christie land.

    Cuz Karen, Caleb & Silas xx

    1. This post brought tears to my eyes. You two are certainly a remarkable love story I will never forget.
