Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 67: T+67

Monday came with some changes. Eric's platelet parameter was lowered from 75 to 50 as well as moving the platlet and Hermatocrit checks to every 12 hours instead of every 8. All this could be done because Eric has not had any more bleeding, and the traces of blood in his stool are less and less. Eric still has extra fluid on him, so they are continuing with the dieretics to help. 

Eric's lungs are holding up well and improving from the pneumonia that was found recently. 

It continues to get harder and harder to stay in the hospital. It's hard for his caretakers but especially for Eric. The interruptions makes it impossible to have any decent rest. Eric's feeling more tired and exhausted than ever. Please pray that he can have the strength,  emotionally and physically, to make it through this challenging time. 

We don't have any concrete answers on what we are looking for to know Eric's ready to go home. We have scheduled a conference tomorrow with one of the program director doctors to get answers and directions. Until tomorrow I know this has and is happening:


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