We got offered the best room back (the one we had when we got discharged the first time), so we took it! Eric's first words when we walked into our new (old) room were "wow, this is really big!" And that's the truth. Our old room was so small and cramped that it makes this room feel like a mansion. The bathroom alone is at leat twice as big. We are sure lucky to get this room back.
We also upgraded Eric's bed. His hips had started to hurt him (only took 65 days...I would've had problems after one night). Kim and Vicki came to the rescue and brought up a memory foam pad and Eric's in sleeping heaven now! Thanks Kim and Vicki!
Other than that it was a normal uneventful weekend day. Nothing changes on the weekend (well unless something was to happen with Eric). Eric did get a two hour nap, which is rare.
Thank heavens for an "uneventful weekend"! Love this! Hoping for a great week for you guys! Xo (new bed topper sounds divine!)