Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 61: T+61

Back at home in the BMT unit. It's strange, but this place really feels like home now. I know where things are, I know most of the nurses (and some have become great friends and support to me!), and Eric feels comfortable here.  If we can't be at home, then we will take the comfort of being back in the BMT unit!

It was an uneventful day (which is exactly what we want right now). Eric had some decent sleep last night for the first in a while. He was able to take some refreshing naps and do some of the other 'fun' things. 

We are now crossing the 48 hour mark with no bloody stools! Here's to more normal poop celebrations. Tomorrow at noon we are on our way to being safe. Just because he reaches the 72 hour mark doesn't mean we are out of all the scariness. But it means we are well on our way. Keep praying for Eric that he may be blood free for good!

Thanks for all your prayers, love and support! We couldn't be more grateful.



  1. Very happy for your good news at this point ... Continue to send good thoughts and prayers for improvement. Love you all! Your AZ family
