Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 6: T+6

Pray for Eric's lungs. He woke up this morning with tight lungs and labored breathing. 

His pulminologist came in and added some medicine for his inhaled breathing treatment. It's been helping Eric's lungs loosen up and improve things from this morning. 

His pulminologist came back later that day and said Eric is doing really well.  It's nice to hear the doctor say positive things. 

In other news I've divised a way to keep organized. It's hard to remember what day it is and what he's done and not done. I present to you:



  1. Jamie, Thanks for sharing your blog with us. Tell Eric we try to check in every day to see how he's doing. If there's ever anything--and I mean anything--the Jensen family can do, we're at the ready. Keep up the good fight, Eric. We're rooting for you. Bruce and Nancy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jamie -

    Please tell Eric my wife and I are pulling and praying for him. Err... I guess technically, we're pulling by praying. Let us know if there is another way to "pull", every little bit helps. Right?

    Anyways, thank you so much for blog. It's so nice being able to get updates. Your organization notebook looks like a great idea, I'm sure it gets a little bit like groundhog's day there. You should totally get some tricked out star stickers to check those boxes off. My attitude is, you're never too old to make good use of stickers. ;p

    - Taylor W
