Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day -1

Chemo is done! Eric finished his last treatment yesterday. Today he received what's called ATG. It's a medicine that has the possibility of helping what is called graft vs. host disease (when the new, transplanted cells (Jordan's) regard Eric's body as foreign. When this happens the new cells (Jordan's) attack Eric's cells). Graft vs. host disease (GVHD) can cause many negative effects.

ATG takes 5 hours to be infused and during those hours they check his viral signs very closely. So far he's doing good. 

They also give him premedication to help prevent any of the reactions from happening. Those medications also make it easy for him to sleep. Good news is he is able to rest for five hours!

I present to you, the many ways to sleep. 

On your back and Legs up: 

On the side, with blankets.

Tomorrow is a big day! Jordan gets the bone marrow harvested in the wee hours of the morning and Eric gets transplanted that evening. Thank you, Jordan, for your willingness to give of your bone marrow to your brother! We love you and are praying that everything goes well for you tomorrow!

ATG is done and Eric didn't have any negative reactions. We couldn't be happier about that. 


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