Today makes a week with Eric back at home! It's been a busy week, but it's been good to have him home with me. Nothing makes me happier than to have him next to me again. I'm a lucky girl.
Eric was discharged on Thursday, April 3rd. It came as a HUGE surprise to all of us. We thought he was at least a week out of going home. We captured the departure on video, check it out here:
The day you leave the hospital is always an overwhelming one for everyone involved, but especially the patient. We got Eric home and got him a good nap right when we got home.
Home has been healing for Eric. He's slept better than he has for a while. Uninterrupted naps are a regular occurrence everyday.
Even though Eric was discharged from the hospital, it doesn't mean that he gets to stay away for long. We had to go in Friday and Saturday to check his platelet levels and make sure they were staying high enough (above 50). Good news is that they were! Since both days Eric's platelets were falling slowly we didn't have to go in on Sunday (Yeah!). Monday was our first visit with the doctors since we left the hospital. Eric's counts were still falling slowly (and his lungs were sounding good!) so he didn't have to come back into the clinic for labs until Thursday.
Eric is healing well at home. He's looking better and stronger everyday. It's not without it's challenges, but so much better than being in the hospital. Thank you to all your support and love. We continue to feel it and appreciate all that each one of you do for us!